It was a great doctors visit today.  Alex is doing very well with his fine motor skills and gross motor skills  She couldn’t believe what a monkey he was climbing the exam table all by himself.  She was impressed by his ability to follow instructions and his ability to identify things like the cows and the choo choo on the wall.

Then she did his measurements and he is also growing like a weed! 

Here are his stats:

Weight: 26 lbs. 25%ile

Height: 35 inches 50-75%ile

She was a little concerned since he is not putting 2-3 words together so we are getting him analyzed by a speech pathologist just to make sure he is not behind.  I will update everyone when we get the results of this analyzed.  We have another appt. at 30 months in January so it will be interesting to see where he is that then. 

WOW!  Happy Birthday to my baby boy!  I can’t believe it has been 2 years!  Time flies when your having fun!  We had Alex’s buddies over for his Birthday it was a lot of fun!  We sang Happy Birthday and had cupcakes first since we did have a bunch of toddlers on our hands.

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In case you didn’t figure it out, it was a tractor theme! 

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Then we had some dinner off the BBQ and then the real fun began… out came the slip & slide that Uncle Miguel brought! 

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At first the kids were not sure about this it…



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Although I don’t know who had more fun… Alex or Daddy???

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It was sooooo fun to watch too!


Here is Alex with his friends that helped celebrate his Birthday!  What a great day it was!



For Memorial Day weekend we decided to drive to Rochester NY to visit Michelle & Mark and see their house!  On the way down Friday we stopped in South New Berlin , NY and visited Paul’s Great Aunt Katie overnight!  We had fun walking around her pond and catching frogs it was a nice visit.

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Saturday morning we continued our journey to our final destination Bergen, NY.  We had amazing weather and we played outside with the riding tractor, bubbles, balls and water it was great!


Then we got a tour of the fine town of Brockport, NY


Then it was a hot afternoon so we turned on the AC and hung inside.

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Then on Monday Michelle Alex and I went to Hamilton State Park on Lake Ontario.  Not quite Lake Champlain, looked more like the ocean than a lake.  Alex loved it though on the swings and playing in the sand and water what a cutie!

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It was a great weekend with great friends and as usual it went by way too fast and we headed back to VT 7 1/2 hours wow it was a long ride back but the trip is part of the journey and it was a great holiday weekend!

We went to MA for a few days because I had a Tastefully Simple party and to visit Grammie & Grampa Bob and Grampa & Gramma Sally.

Monday it was a beautiful day so after Alex’s nap mom and I brought Alex down to the Plymouth Waterfront, it was fun!  We walked along the water and saw all the birds and the boats!  Alex ran the entire time, except when we made him rest to take some pictures…

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Or when he saw a doggie!


Then on Tuesday we went to Cape Cod to visit my dad, it was a nice visit and of course I forgot my camera… very rare for me I know…

Then Tuesday night mom and I decided to give Alex a cool summer haircut. 

Here he is before with his crazy curly hair!


Then grammie started with the buzzers and there was no turning back…

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Here is the after picture!  All the crazy curls and hair is gone!

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My handsome boy!


Here is Alex on the front stones with all my flowers in full bloom.


Alex playing outside with his favorite toy a stick?!


My boy is growing up so fast…


Alex helped us plant our garden this year!


We actually got some nice beautiful weather the end of May and my friend Tati  and her little boy Victor (Alex’s buddy) went to the beach, with us on Lake Champlain!  They played for hours in the sand and watched the boats!  It was fun!


The lake looked beautiful!


Later that same week we took the boys to the Underhill swimming hole and they had a blast!

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Then the weather continued thru into the weekend and Miguel, Katie, Paul and Alex went for a walk thru Mills River Park while mommy relaxed on a blanket it was perfect!  May was a great month!

So I know that the title of this blog is “It’s all about Alex”  but I am making an exception to tell you and show you this freakish storm we go on April 27th and 28th, 2010!

DSCN6594 Yesterday  morning I went downstairs to find that it was snowing…  I thought oh, no, no more snow, I don’t even want to see flurries… it’s almost May!!!  This was taken 7:27 AM on April 27th!

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DSCN6605 Taken at 12:54 PM, my poor tulips!

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DSCN6611 4/27/2010 at 4:45 PM – The chair I was out in on the deck Monday when it was 65° and sunny!

DSCN6614 DSCN6615 Look at the color peeking out of the snow, so weird to have blooming flowers and trees and a huge storm like this…

Then I woke up this morning to this…

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NOTE: We woke up to 18” of snow, and the snow was still coming down , and we woke up to no power…

DSCN6619 Look at these trees bending over…

DSCN6621 There is that same chair I was sitting out in the sun in 65° 2 days ago!  BURRIED!

It got too cold at our house with no heat so we headed out and we went to the mall and Alex rode the train…  here is your Alex fix…


We went out for lunch at IHOP, then shopped around a bit, then went to Lowes we were doing all we could.  The power finally came back on around 3 PM, what a storm though.  Here are a few pictures that I took this evening when we came home…  Looks like a beautiful winter day…only it’s APRIL!!!!

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We just got back from a very fun weekend on Long Island.  We left Wednesday morning and just got back Tuesday. 

It was a beautiful day when we arrived and Oma & Opa got Alex a toy lawn mower so Alex wanted to play with it right away!

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Then he told us he wanted to go outside and play with it some more and with his bike we brought too!

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Then Thursday afternoon Oma gave Alex his very own ice cream cone…he wasn’t sure what to do with it, so he bit the bottom, soooo cute!

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Thursday we went to Jersey City to visit our friends who just had a little baby girl 10 months ago and we brought Alex with us to play too.

Here is Alex & Sydney!


Sydney’s mom and our friend Amanda and precious Sydney!


Here is Nolan (proud daddy and Sydney!


Here is a picture of all of us!


Then Friday we went to the Bronx Zoo!  It was fun!  Here are some cute pictures and a few of animals…

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After a full day at the zoo, Alex was tired!


Saturday we went to Hicks (beautiful garden center) to see if Alex would like to meet the Easter Bunny again, but he said No, No, No… so we went around and took some pictures and looked at the flowers and the Easter Bunny from afar.


Here is Alex in a basket! hehe!


Then we went and met some of Paul’s fraternity brothers and their kids at the park.  Alex loved this play plane and playing peek a boo!

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Sunday morning we got up and played outside for a little bit and then Alex took a nap and we went to his Uncle Pete & Geneane’s  new house for dinner.  Here are some pictures of Alex with us in his Sunday best before he changed and went out to play!

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Then he said to all of us… “Play, Play, Play!”  This is what we did the rest of the day!

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Then we had a very nice dinner prepared by Geneane Uncle Pete’s girlfriend.

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Then we took some generational pictures. 

The Three Brothers


Then the father’s and sons!


Then Alex said “Play, Play, Play, More More!”  So they did!

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Then Alex climbed the tree…

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It was such a wonderful Easter Sunday and Easter weekend had by all!

Sorry I have been sooooo slow on posting new blogs, it has been a very busy couple weeks…




We took the above pictures the night before his hair cut to show how long and curly his hair was getting…  Earlier in the week 4-5 different people said “ohhh SHE’s so cute”… that’s when I knew it was time for a hair cut, so my baby boy looks like a boy!

I made an appt. for Sunday so Paul and I could both go!  We went to this neat salon that has a whole room dedicated to kids and making a kids hair cut fun!  Here are some pictures, Alex had fun!

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They have amusement park ride vehicles that they put on stands, it was really cute.  Alex picked the car, of course!  He did pretty good, he only swatted her hand a couple times.

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Then she showed him the button and he wanted to push a button and move a lot…  Here is my handsome boy with his first haircut!


Then we let him go in the pink Cadillac cause he really wanted to.


They gave me a envelope of his hair and this certificate that just neatly made me cry…


Then after the haircut we went to Friendly’s for a celebratory ice cream!



Look how handsome with his nice haircut, even with his mouth stuffed with ice cream!

I took Alex to get his Easter pictures done on Monday afternoon…here they are… I am not excited about them… Alex was having a bad hair day!

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This is the one I ordered because I thought it was the cutest and his hair didn’t look too out of control.  These are all the pictures we got because Alex did not want to cooperate with what the picture taker lady wanted…  Oh well…  We had a coupon for $7.99 so we didn’t waste too much $$.

After the sears pictures we went to meet the Easter Bunny and Alex didn’t even want to shake his hand, he was really scared of him and cried and cried!  I thought I would give it a try though and put him on the Easter Bunnies lap… not successful… as you can see…


He was so much Happier last year!  What a difference a year can make huh?

Time flies!

Since we were snowed in on my actual Birthday today we did everything we had planned!   This morning I got up and went and got a hair cut which I cancelled on Wed.  Then we made homemade Mac N Cheese for lunch, YUMM!  Then after Alex took a nap (yey!) we went to the New Huge Bowling Alley and took Alex bowling for the first time, he had loved it!  He had a ramp and bumpers and beat mommy’s score and was close to daddy!  His first shot ever was a strike!  GO ALEX!!  Here he is getting ready to push the ball, and sitting on the ramp watching his ball go down the lane!

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Here is the final scores! A. Alex D. Dawn and P. Paul, Paul was the winner!


After Bowling Alex & Paul took me out to dinner at Juniors Italian Restaurant!


I had Saffron Muscles for an App. which were amazing,  then a Shrimp & Pink Pesto Dish which was also amazing!  Paul had his oh so favorite Penne Ala Vodka!  Best in the State of VT!

Alex we ordered Chicken & Broccoli with penne and mainara!  I think more marinara got on Alex than in his mouth but he ate all the penne, chicken and broccoli, WOW!  These pictures are priceless!

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That’s my boy! 

May 2024

Flickr Photos


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers